
  • "I want to tell you that the salsa is one of my most memorable food experiences."

  • "My mother ate half the jar the day it arrived, it was so scrumptious that we kept eating spoonfuls."

  • "I enjoyed a delicious snack last night with your salsa. I'm too selfish to bring it to work. I'm sure it would be gone in a flash!"

About Us

Our story begins with a husband and wife team, drawn together by our shared love of Mexican cuisine and a dream of bringing the flavors of our heritage to our community. After months of experimentation and refinement, we finally created the perfect salsa macha recipe, full of bold, spicy, sweet and smoky flavors.

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Discover our smoky and delicious salsa macha at the St. Johns Farmers Market in Portland, Oregon from 9am to 2pm.

St. Johns Farmers Market

Find us in other farmer's markets in Portland

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